The Trinity MSc Blog

7 Postgraduate Scholarship Application Tips – From a Winner!

Written by Junze Tan | Mar 1, 2021 2:35:53 PM

Many students rely on some financial support to pay for their education. It can be the difference in choosing to study a postgraduate programme, and can also help with the cost of living and provide a bit extra to enjoy student life.

So how do you make sure you get the scholarship you want? Current MSc Marketing programme student and scholarship winner Junze Tan from China gives his top tips to get the scholarship you desire with some simple steps.

Junze Tan

1. Apply Early

Applying for the scholarship early means you will have greater chances to get one. Trinity scholarships are given out on a first-come-first-serve basis. The earlier you apply, the easier you will be screened and considered eligible. My advice is that once you get your offer from the Trinity Business School (conditional or unconditional), prepare your application materials and be ready to give it a try!


2. Consult the Website for Available Scholarships

When in doubt, the Trinity Business School scholarships website is always within your reach and ready to help. Check the website for information about available scholarships and application deadlines. During my application process, the website served as a bridge that connected me with the school and shortened the distance between me and the scholarship.


3. Know the Deadlines

Knowing the deadlines for your application is equal to knowing the rules of a game. In 2021, deadlines for scholarship applications are the end of January and the end of May. No scholarship applications will be considered after the end of May. Arrange your time properly and submit your application promptly.


Scholarship Application Tips & Advice


4. Be Sincere and Go the Extra Mile

Scholarship reviewers are humans, and humans want to be moved and impressed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to show your sincerity in your scholarship application. Tell the reviewers why you need and are qualified for the scholarship. If applicable, show your uniqueness and creativity. Creating a video, graphic, or showing a mock website are just some ways to impress the reviewers and stand yourself apart.


On Campus!

Mentioning your GMAT score (if you have one) or past work experience can also give you extra points. As an example, I wrote about not only my undergraduate volunteering experience but also my intention and plans to contribute to the development of Trinity and the local community in my scholarship application letter. Yes, your undergraduate grades may matter to some extent, but your sincerity, creativity, and ambitions for the scholarship can all become game-changers.


5. Get Someone to Read Your Application Letter

Constructive feedback from someone you trust and admire is helpful for you to realize your relevant strengths and achievements. Be brave to ask your professors or friends to read your application letter and give advice. They can help uncover your strengths that you neglect, and help check your grammar and overall content. More importantly, they can show you the reactions of someone actually reading your application letter, reactions that can be invaluable for you to modify and improve your application.


Exploring Ireland!


6. Build a Strong Relationship with Trinity

Interact with Trinity wherever and whenever you can. Your application starts, rather than ends, with the submission of your scholarship application materials. Everything you do to show your presence to the school, such as following the Trinity accounts on social media, chatting with Trinity staff on LinkedIn, and sending emails to Trinity to ask questions, can convey your eagerness and passion which are going to enhance the opportunity to eventually get the scholarship.


7. Lastly, Make Sure You Do Apply!

Nothing will happen if you do not apply, and you CAN become the winner if you choose to trust yourself and give it a shot. Before I actually got the Trinity Business School scholarship, I never imagined myself being acknowledged by such a renowned school, and I believe every one of you who is planning to apply has the potential to become the next winner if you show enough courage and motivation. So, trust yourself, take a step forward, and I wish you all the best with your application!