Patrick Phillips, Postgraduate Career Development & Alumni Officer with the Careers Team at Trinity.
When applying to a postgraduate programme, what actually makes a great application? Charlie.
Are Cover Letters a Thing of the Past? Krystyna Harney, Postgraduate Career Development and Alumni.
Since you don’t write your own references, this is less a guide about how to submit a good.
Updating your CV in the new year? Here are some tips to help your CV stand out from the crowd. Kate.
When applying for a postgraduate programme at Trinity Business School, applicants must write a 500.
What matters most to employers when it comes to hiring graduates? This is a question that Patrick.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting is ranked 1st in Ireland and 2nd in Western Europe for.
As the 7th most international university in the world according to The Times Higher Education.
Ranked 1st in Ireland and 19th in the World for Entrepreneurship (Eduniversal 2019), the MSc in.